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Adult Destination Colorado Weekend Camp Fort Collins

Sat, Jun 07


Fort Collins

Join Gracie Gold, Geoffry Varner, Eddie Shipstad, James Hernandez, Max Aaron and Amber Glenn June 7-8, 2025 for an amazing weekend, a mix of Skating, Vacation and Fun! Classes are sold a la carte so make sure to check the class requirements before registering

Adult Destination Colorado  Weekend Camp Fort Collins
Adult Destination Colorado  Weekend Camp Fort Collins

Time & Location

Jun 07, 2025, 8:30 AM

Fort Collins, 1801 Riverside Ave, Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA


About the Event

Please see the attached class schedule and requirements prior to registering. Changes to reserved classes is not guaranteed.

Meet and Greet with the coaching team will take place in the evening of Friday June 6, 2025. Details to come

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.
7 updates in the group


  • Class 1 Off Ice Basic Jmp Tech

    Saturday 830-9:00 Adult Class 1 OFF ICE BASIC JUMP TECHNIQUE All Levels Welcome. Basic techniques for jumping will be covered

    +$0.63 service fee
  • 1D Power Advanced Techniques

    Saturday 8:30-9:05am ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR CREATING AND MAINTAINING POWER This class is intended for skaters who have passed the Standard Track or Adult Bronze Skating Skills test

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 2C On Ice Single Axel 101

    Saturday 9:10-9:45 Adult Class 2C SINGLE AXEL 101 Participants must be able to complete Waltz Jump + Loop jump combo and 4 rev back spin on the ice plus single axel off ice

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 2D Off Ice Dbl Rotation

    Saturday 9:10-9:40 Adult Class 2D OFF ICE DOUBLE ROTATION EXERCISES Participants should be attempting single axel on the ice without assistance of a jump harness

    +$0.63 service fee
  • 2 FundamentalSkatingPositions

    Saturday 9:10-9:45 Adult Class 2 FUNDAMENTAL SKATING POSITIONS FOR BALANCE AND FLOW This class is appropriate for all levels and will explore the basic body positions that promote balance and flow on the ice

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 3C Single Edge Jumps

    Saturday 9:50-10:25 Adult Class 3C SINGLE EDGE JUMPS (waltz, salchow, loop) Participants must be able to perform a minimum of Waltz Jump, Forward outside 3 turn, Forward inside 3 turn and 1 foot spin. The ability to do a back spin will be helpful

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 3D Advanced Turns

    Saturday 9:50-10:25 Adult Class 3D ADVANCED TURNS (Counter, Rocker, Twizzles) Participants must be proficient at three turns both forward and backward as well as attempting bracket turns

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 3 Off Ice Axel 101

    Saturday 10:00-10:30 Adult Class 3 OFF ICE AXEL 101 Participants must be working on full rotation jumps (loop, flip &/or lutz) and must be able to complete 3 revs in a back spin on the ice

    +$0.63 service fee
  • 4C Basic Turns and Steps

    Saturday 10:45-11:20 Adult Class 4C BASIC TURNS (3 turns, C-Steps, Brackets) Participants will work on 3 turns, c-steps, back 3 turns & brackets and should be comfortable with forward and backward edges on 1 foot

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 4D Creating Lev 3-4 Spins

    Saturday 10:45-11:20 Adult Class 4D CREATING LEVELED SPINS 3-4 Participants must be able to perform all basic spin positions and should be attempting spin variations on both forward and back sides

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 5C Basic Spin Positions

    Saturday 11:25-12:00 Adult Class 5C BASIC SPIN POSITIONS Participants must be able to do a 1 foot spin and should be attempting all basic forward spin positions

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 5D Adv Choreo Elements

    Saturday 11:25-12:00 Adult Class 5D ADVANCED CHOREO ELEMENTS Participants should have passed the PreSIlver Skating Skills test of higher and must be working on spread eagle, ina bauer and catch foot positions

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 6C Choreo Elements 101

    Saturday 12:05-12:40 Adult Class 6C CHOREO ELEMENTS 101 Participants must be comfortable gliding forward and backward on 1 foot, be able to lunge and spiral

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 6D Double Loop Jump

    Saturday 12:05-12:40 Adult Class 6D DOUBLE LOOP JUMP Participants must be able to perform a minimum of dbl salchow &/or double toe loop and should be attempting double loop jump on the ice without assistance with a jump harness

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 7C Beg School Figures

    Saturday 1:15-1:50pm Adult Class 7C EXPLORING BEGINNING SCHOOL FIGURES This class will explore basic school figures. Participants should be comfortable gliding on 1 foot forward and backward and must be able to attempt 3 turns

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 7D Single + Dbl Jump Combos

    Saturday 1:15-1:50 Adult Class 7D SINGLE + DOUBLE JUMP COMBOS Skaters must be landing single axel and be working in double salchow, double toe loop and double loop on the ice without a jump harness

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 8C Single Toe Jumps

    Saturday 1:55-2:30pm Adult Class 8C SINGLE TOE JUMPS Participants should be able to perform a back spin 2-4 revs. Primary focus will be single flip and lutz

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 8D Dbl Salchow & Dbl Toe Loop

    Saturday 1:55-2:30pm Adult Class 8D DOUBLE SALCHOW AND DOUBLE TOE LOOP Participants must be able to land single axel without a jump harness and should be attempting double salchow & double toe loop on the ice

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 8 Off Ice Program Scripting

    Saturday 2:00-2:30 Adult Class 8 PROGRAM SCRIPTING This class will be Adult and Youth athletes combined. Max will discuss his program scripting technique that helped him earn is National title

    +$0.63 service fee
  • 9C Single + Single Jump Combos

    Sunday 7:30-8:05 Adult Class 9C SINGLE + SINGLE JUMP COMBOS Participants must be able to complete a single toe loop and single loop jump. Flip and lutz would be beneficial

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 9B Flying Spins (camel & sit)

    Sunday 7:30-8:05 Adult Class 9B FLYING SPINS (sit and camel) Participants must be able to perform forward and back camel spins and sit spin 6-8 revs and should be working on axel or above

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 10C Single Loop & Single Flip

    Sunday 8:10-8:45 Adult Class 10C SINGLE LOOP AND SINGLE FLIP Participants must be attempting a single loop jump and should be able to perform a back spin 2-4 revs

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 10D Single Axel

    S unday 8:10-8:45Adult Class 10D SINGLE AXEL Participants must be able to complete Waltz Jump + Loop jump combo and 4 rev back spin on the ice plus single axel off ice

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 11C Basic Spin Positions

    Sunday 8:50-9:25 Adult Class 11C BASIC SPIN POSITIONS Participants must be able to do a 1 foot spin and should be attempting all basic forward spin positions

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 11D Double Flip Jump

    Sunday 8:50-9:25 Adult Class 11D DOUBLE FLIP Participants must be able to perform double loop and should be attempting double flip on the ice without jump harness assistance

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 12C Single Jump Exercises

    Sunday 9:45-10:20 Adult Class 12C ON ICE EXERCISES FOR SINGLE JUMPS This class will focus on exercises you can do on the ice to improve air position, takeoff, rotation and landing. Participants should be attempting single jumps on the ice and must be able to do backspin 2-4 revs

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 12D Sit, Bk Sit, SitVariation

    Sunday 9:45-10:20 Adult Class 12D SIT SPIN / BACK SIT / SIT VARIATIONS Participants must be attempting sit spin and back scratch spin on the ice. Knowledge of a back sit will be beneficial

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 13C Creating Level 1 & 2 Spins

    Sunday 10:25-11:00 Adult Class 13C CREATING LEVEL 1 & 2 SPINS Participants must be able to perform all basic spin positions and should be attempting spin variations on both forward and back sides

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 13D Dbl Salchow & Dbl Toe Loop

    Sunday 10:25-11:00 Adult Class 13D DOUBLE SALCHOW AND DOUBLE TOE LOOP Participants must be able to land single axel without a jump harness and should be attempting double salchow & double toe loop on the ice

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 14C Creating Power and Flow

    Sunday 11:05-11:40 Adult Class 14C CREATING POWER AND FLOW Participants should be comfortable skating forward and backward and be working on crossovers in BOTH directions forward and backwards

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 14D Combos with Dbl Toe Loop

    Sunday 11:05-11:40 Adult Class 14D JUMP COMBOS WITH DOUBLE TOE LOOP Skaters must be landing single axel and be working on double salchow, double toe loop without the aid of a jump harness

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 15C Single Flip vs Single Lutz

    Sunday 12:55-1:30 Adult Class 15C SINGLE FLIP vs SINGLE LUTZ Participants must be able to perform a single loop jump and a back spin 4 -6 revs and must be attempting single flip &/or single lutz on the ice withouth the assistance of a jump harness

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 15D Camel/Bk Camel/ Variations

    Sunday 12:15-12:50 Adult Class 15D CAMEL, BACK CAMEL AND CAMEL VARIATIONS Participants must be attempting camel spin and back scratch spin on the ice. Knowledge of a back camel will be beneficial

    +$0.75 service fee
  • 15 Off Ice Movement

    Sunday 12:15-12:45 Adult Class 15 OFF ICE MOVEMENT CLASS aka "What do I do with my arms" This off ice class is open to adult skaters of all levels

    +$0.63 service fee
  • 16 Beginning Ice Dance

    Sunday 12:55-1:30 Adult Class 16 BEGINNING ICE DANCE This class will focus on Basic ice dance technique, steps and patterns

    +$0.75 service fee



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"I have been coaching for 30 years and have been a part of many clinics during that time. Road to Gold is one of the best run camps in the country and offers something for every level of skater."​


- Eddie Shipstad World, International, US National, and Master Rated Professional

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Photos of Gracie Gold by Sam Atagana Photography and Carly Gold Photography

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